Sunday, August 26, 2012

CF Testing Negative!

Craig finally received his results from the CF testing.  He is negative for the gene so our baby could be a carrier, but cannot have CF.  I don't think I realized how worried I was until he said negative!  I was so happy.  Also went to the pulmonary specialist.  She was excited to see a patient that actually takes their medication...haha.  She ordered a pulmonary function test so I will schedule that in the next four weeks.  School starts with students tomorrow!  Where did the summer go?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fourteen, Fifteen, & Sixteen Weeks

We've been busy the last few weeks.  I wanted to make sure I posted before heading back to work tomorrow.  I went to Kentucky for a few days to visit my family between 14 and 15 weeks.  When I got back I had to move my appointments around because I was not breathing very well.  I started to get a lot of congestion because of allergies.  Then my breathing was pretty bad for a while.  My doctor adjusted a few meds and I'm feeling a lot better, but for a while I was taking my rescue inhaler every 4 hours which definitely was not good.  I have an appointment with the pulmonary specialist on Wednesday.  Hoping that they can make a few more adjustments so that I am 100% for the first day of school on August 27th.

Here is a picture at fourteen weeks:

Another at sixteen weeks:
The bump is definitely growing which is exciting to me.  I am ready to feel the baby moving around in there.  Every now and then I wonder if I feel a flutter, but I can't really tell for sure yet.  Our anatomy ultrasound is scheduled for September 6th.  We are just so ready to see all the organs in the right location.  Craig is definitely ready to see whether we are having a boy or girl.  Once we know then we will get started painting and decorating the nursery.  We have an exciting few weeks ahead.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birthing Classes Scheduled!

Our doctor's office recommends scheduling these classes by 14 weeks...well that will be us on Sunday!  I scheduled them all today.  I am so excited!  We are going to take labor & birth education, newborn basics, and breastfeeding I.  Hoping to learn a lot so we are even more prepared for birth!  Also baby bump is definitely growing!  Seems like it appeared over night.  Pictures coming soon.